Congratulations to Ani and Summer for passing their qualifying exams
Congratulations to Ani and Summer for passing their quals
ERG Superbowl Party
ERG Superbowl Party
ERG goes axe throwing
Welcome to new ERG Members
UF Hosts “Poly-HEATLINE” MURI Kick-Off
ERG presents at annual Florida Inorganic and Materials Symposium
ERG Celebrates UF Football Victory Against Tennessee
Evans Group Recognized by the National Academies of Medicine
Austin hosts 2023 Gordon Research Seminar for Nanoporous Materials
ERG Hosts Andreas Schneemann from Technische Universität Dresden
Matt Golder (University of Washington) visits UF Chemistry
ARPA-H Accelerator Grant
2023 MURI Award
Kiana and Ani awarded graduate fellowships!
Fluorescent molecules in production!
Prof. Quentin Michaudel (TAMU) visiting UF.
Joint Group Party with Prof. Adam Veige’s Group
Joint group party with Veige Group (UF).
The ERG and an impromptu dinner with Prof. Helma Wennemers (ETH Zurich)
New Carbon Allotropes from Hybrid C-C Bonds
Published in Nature, a new carbon allotrope constructed from hybrid C-C bonds. See it here!